About Us
3D printed forming collar and associated collector bushing.

Machinery and Tooling Design

GAZ Consulting, LLC was formed by Greg Zjaba (IPA: zäba) to bring tooling and machine design services primarily to the composites industry, with a focus on pultrusion processing.
Greg has over 30 years of experience in machinery and tooling design and holds a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin. He worked as a machinist through college and has been very hands-on throughout his career, working alongside mechanics on numerous machine rebuilding and installation projects. This background has enabled him to better understand how machines and tools fail, and to design for higher reliability and maintainability.
Greg’s composite experience includes pultrusion, BMC extrusion and natural-fiber compression molding. He was lead engineer on pultrusion equipment and infeed tooling at a major ladder manufacturer during a time that saw the quadrupling of their pultrusion capacity. Experience at another pultruder included complex and lower volume products.
More background information can be found here: www.linkedin.com/in/gregzjaba